How to Set up a MobilePage

MobilePage is a custom mobile webpage that contains a text message.  It’s easy enough to include a URL in a text message that links to a mobile webpage but the difference with Text Integration is that it gives you the ability to personalize the text on the mobile webpage, by adding Infusionsoft merge fields, and you can add anything else to the page that the web allows.

This effectively turns the MobilePage into an amazing text message that now:

  • Delivers a personalized Text Message
  • Delivers Video
  • Delivers a Photo Library or technical drawing
  • Delivers a Quote
  • Has a Web Form that integrates with Infusionsoft
  • Is a Checkout page
  • Links to your favorite social media
  • Is a Landing Page
  • Is a Webinar
  • Contains downloadable files
  • Is an animated Birthday Card
  • And lots more that you can dream up for your specialized business…

And of course you can then direct your customer to other MobilePages from the first page, such as a Thank you page.

Text Integration has enabled this MobilePage feature by integrating with (arguably) the world’s best landing page template providers, such as Leadpages and Instapages.

These are also some of the MobilePages that can be integrated with our service:

Clickthroo -
Wishpond -
LeadPages -
PageWiz -


There are two steps in setting up a text message with MobilePage integration.  We will first set-up your MobilePage in your 3rd party integration platform.

     In this example, we’ll be using Leadpages, but the principles are the same for the other MobilePage providers listed on our website. You can also check other articles here for specific instructions for each individual MobilePage provider that we integrate with.


 First, open a template in your MobilePage provider.  To link this template, or MobilePage to your initial text message, we need to add these two lines of Text Integration code to the MobilePage.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javaScript"></script>

Simply find where your MobilePage provider lets you add tracking code (e.g. Google Analytics) and paste the code there. This should be in the header.  If you find that the Mobile Page is distorted, remove the first line of code, so only this line remains:

<script src="" type="text/javaScript"></script>

Next, add your custom text message to the MobilePage. You can personalize it with any of these these merge fields:


Contact’s First Name                                     ~Contact.FirstName~

Contact’s Last Name                                     ~Contact.LastName~

Contact’s Mobile Phone Number                  ~Contact.Phone1~

Contact’s Country                                         ~Contact.Country~


Owner’s First Name                                      ~Owner.FirstName~

Owner’s Last Name                                       ~Owner.LastName~

Owner’s Mobile Phone Number                    ~Owner.Phone1~

Owner’s Country                                           ~Owner.Country~


For example, we will add this message to our template in Leadpages:

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~, Here’s the video of your fantastic Balloon Party.  Everyone had such a great time and we loved hosting it for you. Hope you enjoy the memories. Cheers Joy.

Now, We’ll Set Up the Initial Text Message Containing a Short URL to This MobilePage.

In Campaign Builder, setup a text message.

When you write your text message, add “tilde URL tilde” (~url~) in the place where you want the shortened URL, or link to your MobilePage, to appear.

Then add another value pair.

In the left field write “url” in lower case, and in right field paste the long URL that links to your MobilePage that you previously copied from your 3rd party MobilePage provider.  In this case we will paste a link to a page we have created in Leadpages.



When you are ready, change the message from "Draft" to "Ready" to show the green "Ready" button. 



Then click the back to sequence button and click "Publish".



Now when this text message is sent Text integration will replace the ~url~ with a shortened URL that links to your MobilePage.

Now, let’s see how it will look when it’s live… When campaign builder sends the initial text message it will look like this:

And when the short URL in the text is clicked, we will see the MobilePage with the personalized text message:


Congratulations! You can now wow your prospects and clients with beautiful MobilePages containing personalized text messages.


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