Introduction to Keywords

  • A keyword is a special word that can be included in text messages.
  • When the keyword is sent back as a reply, Text Integration can initiate further actions, including texts message replies, via campaign builder.

You can view your Keywords by logging in to your Text Integration account.

Select Keywords from the top navigation.

You'll see a step-by-step guide to create a new keyword.

Once a Keyword is setup, you can now use the Keyword to your campaign.

Note: Each Keyword has a maximum limit of 15 characters.

Here is an example of a campaign setup for Joy's Balloons:

Let's say that Joy would like to setup a 50% promo offer to her customer.

She can do this by sending them a text message, explaining the offer, and asking them to accept by sending a text reply containing a Keyword.

To set this up:

  • A keyword should be should be linked to a tag in Infusionsoft.
  • The tag will be used to automatically reply with another text to each customer.

Here is an example:

Joy has setup a text with the Keyword YES


The message's reply passcode is configured to contain the <shortcode> plus the <keyword>, including the <shortcode> is essential to properly associate the <keyword> to your campaign.


The <shortcode> can be found under My Account> Text Integration Details. 


In this case, the customer will reply with the short code plus Keyword ABC YES, Text Integration will initiate the tag that was set up to link to this Keyword.

Infusionsoft will apply the tag in campaign builder to run the next sequence containing another text back to the customer.



In the text sample above, the short code plus Keywords are ABC RED and ABC BLUE. A tag has already been set with the Keyword, then a text will automatically send back again.

So, Joy had a 3-message conversation with a customer, all automated with Text Integration and Campaign Builder.

  • The Keywords STOP and SUBSCRIBE are the only keywords that you cannot use because Text Integration already uses them.
  • A Keyword should only be one word, or if multiple words then without spaces.

             e.g. BUYNOW

 Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to Create a new Keyword

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