How to setup a MobilePage with ClickFunnels

1. Log in to the Instapages MobilePage site -


2. Add a New Funnel, or edit an existing funnel.


3. Choose your Goal.


4. Type in your Funnel Name, then click Build Funnel.

5. Choose a Template, then click Edit Page.


6. Add a Container by clicking the (+) sign, select a column block, then click Add to Page.


7. Click Add New Element, select Element (Custom JS/ HTML), then Add to Page.


8. Click Custom Javascript / HTML



9. Add the code, click Save, then Exit.

<script src="" type="text/javaScript"></script>

Follow this FAQ for further instructions - How to Set up a MobilePage



10. Click the Copy URL to clipboard.


11. Proceed in setting up your Campaign in Campaign Builder. You can check this FAQ on how to set-up a campaign - How to Set up a MobilePage


12. Test your campaign by sending yourself a test Text Message by following this FAQ -How to Send a Test text message







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