How to setup an Opt-in Link in your Infusionsoft Campaign Builder

Opt-in link will let you remove contact records from your opt-out list on their behalf. Thus, enabling you to send them SMS Campaigns again. 

You can set it up in your Infusionsoft Campaign Builder. 

In your Infusionsoft Campaign Builder, create a tag named ”Optin Link”, and connect it to a sequence, name it "Opt-in Link" 



Go into your Opt-in link sequence, by double clicking the sequence. Inside the sequence, drag and drop an HTTP post snippet, name it Opt-in link as well.


Go into the sequence, by double clicking the HTTP Post Snippet. 

In the POST URL field, type in "" wherein the ABC should be replace by your unique shortcode.

Also, add the following name/value pair:

  • Contactid = ~Contact.Id~
  • Contactemail = ~Contact.Email~

Please make sure that all the fields do not have laeding and trailing spaces. Also, take note of the capital and small letter, as these fields are case-sensitive.


Do not forget to slide the draft to reaady button and publish the campaign. 

In order to run this, just apply the "Optin link" tag to the corresponding contact record. 

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