How to Setup a Keyword

Before you proceed reading this, make sure you have read the "Introduction to Keywords".

Following the step-by-step guide on how to create a new keyword in Text Integration.

We will first need to setup the tag.

In Infusionsoft, go to CRM Settings, and select Tags.

 Click on the Add Tag button.

 Type in the Keyword in the box, Keyword No. Select Category.

Then, click Add Tag.

 On the Tag's page, look for your Tag. To easily find it click the Id button, and you will see the Tag Name on top of the list, the most recently added will appear at the top.


 In your Text Integration account, click Keywords.

Then, Add a Keyword, click the Sync button and type your new keyword on the box, in this case we will first add "NO".

Note: Each Keyword has a maximum limit of 15 characters

Select the Tag Name from the dropdown list, and click Save.


Click the View Keyword, and you'll find the Keyword added with a corresponding Tag Name.


When setting up a Keyword you must always remove the Keyword Tag, so that this Keyword can be used repeatedly with the same contact.

In your campaign, to remove the Keyword Tag, simply add a Remove Tag snippet after the Text message.

Click Process, add Apply/Remove Tag


 Open the tag and choose Remove, then select which tag to remove, click save.


  • The Keywords STOP and SUBSCRIBE are the only keywords that you cannot use because Text Integration already uses them.
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