Introduction to Click Tags

  • A click tag is a clickable short link that can be included in text messages.
  • When the click tag is activated, it can:

           - initiate further actions, including texts message replies, via campaign builder.

           - redirect a link to any webpage while at the same time triggering a campaign sequence.

           - track customers activity  

  • You can have multiple click tags in a text to provide customers with link options.
  • It is very similar with Keywords, except that all you need to do is just click the link. No need to type a keyword response.


You can view Click Tags by logging into your Text Integration account.

Select Keywords & Click Tags from the top navigation.

The Click Tag is associated with your keyword so you will need to create a Keyword first. You'll see a step-by-step guide to create a new keyword.

You can view more info on How to Setup Keywords help article, and video.


Once a Keyword is set up, go to View Keywords & Click Tags, then click on Copy Link to view all functions for click tags.

Fill in the Page URL where you want the link to be re-directed, then hit Generate. Once the HTML Code and the Value Pair is generated you can now use the Click Tag in your campaign.


Here is an example of a campaign setup for Joy's Balloons:

Let's say that Joy would like to confirm a meeting with her customer.

She can do this by sending them a text message, explaining the meeting, and asking them to accept by clicking a link that may be redirected to a website and at the same time trigger another text.

To set this up:

  • A keyword and a tag should be should be set up first.
  • The tag will be used to automatically reply with another text to each customer.
  • The keyword will generate an HTML Code and Value Pair to be used for your campaign to redirect the link.

Here is an example:

Joy has setup a text with a link for confirmation, to be redirected to a webpage.



Once the link is clicked, Infusionsoft will apply the tag in campaign builder to run the next sequence containing another text back to the customer.

For more information on Click Tags, visit our Learning Center - Click Tags Section. 



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